
Advantages of UDEN-S heating

Heating with UDEN-S metal-ceramic panels is a step towards comfort and coziness.

For more than 15 years, our customers have been saving on heating using UDEN-S panels. Such systems are used as primary or additional heating at home for maximum comfort and economy.

Advantages of UDEN-S heating

The advantages of heating with ceramic panels are overflowing with efficiency, which is based on two important factors: low power consumption and advanced design of the ceramic stove inside the heating device. When the panel reaches a temperature of 85°C, the magic begins – it becomes a source of infrared rays that heat not only the air, but also the surrounding walls, floors and various objects, creating thermal comfort around you.

One of the advantages is that there are no open heating elements that are in direct contact with air. The room is heated without burning oxygen and overdrying of air in general. You get a very comfortable warmth, comparable to the heat from the sun or from a wood stove. It feels like you’re relaxing by the fireplace.

Also, significant advantages include the ease of installation of such panels. Especially when the installation of heating takes place during the repair phase. You will save a considerable amount of money on the absence of costs for the purchase and installation of boilers, pipes, pumps and installation in the house. After all, UDEN-S panels are easily mounted on the wall and all wires can be hidden in a decorative baseboard.

The principle of operation of metal-ceramic panels

Metal-ceramic panels are a real discovery for your comfort.

The peculiarity is that you do not need to raise the air temperature to an infinite 27 ° C, as is done with conventional heaters that work using a different technology. Infrared heating gives you a feeling of comfort already at 22-23 ° C, reducing energy consumption and providing a pleasant thermal regime.

Certification is an important factor. Our ceramic panels have recognized certificates both for Ukraine and for the countries of the European Union. They are recommended for use even in kindergartens, because they guarantee absolute safety and friendliness to the environment.

Operating complete with a thermostat, such panels are very economical in electricity consumption. You can easily set the desired temperature in the room – say 23°C. As soon as this room temperature is reached, the electricity consumption will be automatically turned off, but thermal comfort will be maintained thanks to heated ceramic weave in the middle of the panel.

Consumption of UDEN-S panels

In general, conventional heaters consume from 1.5 to 2 kW of electricity. This power is necessary to warm up the air in a room of 12-17 m². However, modern UDEN-S metal-ceramic heaters do not require such a large consumption. The heating element in our panels is pressed into a ceramic plate, which is heated with less power and then gives this heat to the room. Hence such a small consumption, an average of 0.5-0.7 kW, because there is no need to heat the heating element very much.

Our panels consume energy for 8-12 hours a day, but at the same time heat your home all 24 hours a day. This happens due to the fact that the ceramic plate in the middle of the heater remains hot for about 40 minutes after turning off the thermostat.

This heating system will fully pay off in 2-3 seasons! If we compare UDEN-S metal-ceramic panels with other heaters, they come to the fore by a wide margin in efficiency.

The optimal model for heating

Consider the example of the popular model UDEN-700, designed for a room of 15 m². It consumes only 0.7 kW per hour. This means that for the power consumed by conventional heaters of 2 kW, you can install three such panels and heat three rooms! This calculation was carried out for rooms with a ceiling height of up to 2.5 m and an average level of insulation of the house.

And if you take advantage of the preferential tariff for electric heating, these figures will increase by 30-40%. The result will be not only a reduction in energy costs, but also a significant reduction in the payback period of the entire heating system.

Calculation of heating UDEN-S

If you are interested in saving on heating, but you do not know how to correctly determine the power and choose the necessary equipment, do not worry – it is easy to do. All you need is to answer five simple questions in our

online miscalculation quiz

. And soon you will get a customized power calculation on the mail, created based on your answers. This service is absolutely free and does not impose any obligations on you.

After you successfully complete the online survey, our competent manager will contact you by mail. He will not only advise you in detail, but also provide a detailed calculation of power and select heaters specially adapted to your needs.

After familiarizing yourself with all these aspects, you will manage heating savings with a calm understanding. Your energy costs will be significantly reduced thanks to the efficient operation of our panels. And let you continue to feel that you are contributing to the preservation of the environment by choosing an environmentally friendly and safe way of heating.

Do not let your hesitations prevent you from opening up to a new level of warmth and comfort. If you still have doubts, we will offer you an easy way – order one heater for sampling. We are sure that you will feel the benefits of this innovative solution from the very first days. And if it turns out that it’s not yours, don’t worry – we’re ready to get your money back.

Enjoy the warmth, stay calm and see for yourself how efficient ceramic panel heating can be. Order now and start a new stage of your comfortable life!