Buy an infrared heater in Prague
UDEN-S heaters are now available for purchase in Prague. We make direct shipments from the manufacturer’s plant to the branch of the transport company “Nova Poshta”.
To get a heater in Prague, you will need to contact the branch of the transport company.
Addresses of branches in Prague:
- No1 Pod Višňovkou 1664/29 (up to 30 kg)
- No2 Za Poříčskou bránou 256/6 (up to 1000 kg)
You can find out more about the work of the branch of the transport company Nova Poshta in Prague at the link.
The most popular models of UDEN-S heaters bought in Prague.
To heat their homes, Prague residents buy two of the most popular models of heaters with a capacity of 0.7 kW and 1 kW. These models are guaranteed to provide you with heat in rooms ranging from 15m² to 20m². In the event that the area of the room is smaller, then these panels will be able to warm up the room faster and save your money.
UDEN-700 (universal) металокерамічна панель
UDEN-1000 (universal) металокерамічна панель
The efficiency of our heaters is due to low electricity consumption and the presence of a ceramic plate inside the heater. The ceramic heat accumulator heats up to a temperature of 85°C and emits infrared rays. Walls, floors and other objects around heating panels warm up.
UDEN-S metal-ceramic panels do not burn oxygen at all and the feeling of comfort is much better than when heated with conventional heaters. Customers say that the heat from our heaters feels like the heat from the sun, stove or fireplace. At the same time, there is no need to warm the air to 27 ° C, as when using fan heaters or convectors. Thanks to infrared heating, the feeling of comfort occurs already at 22-23 ° C.
Our panels have all the necessary certificates of Ukraine and EU countries, as well as recommended for use in kindergartens and other residential premises, as they are absolutely safe and environmentally friendly.
Most efficiently, such heaters are paired with a thermostat at which you set the desired temperature, for example, 23 ° C. When this temperature is reached, the thermostat turns off electricity consumption, but the heater itself still remains hot for about one hour. When the room temperature drops, it turns on again.
So, the system works 8-12 hours, consuming energy, and warms you 24 hours a day. In the presence of a two- or three-zone meter or tariff for electric heating, it is very economical. And one hundred percent payback of such a heating system is 2-3 seasons!
Many customers made the right choice and decided to buy a UDEN-S heater delivered to Prague.
We work directly from the manufacturer, so we are fully responsible for the quality of the heaters. The entire range of heaters that we produce has an exchange guarantee of 5 years. This means that if the purchased heater stops heating for five years, we will send you the same new one. But this will not happen, the service life of our panels is more than 25 years!
UDEN-100 теплий плінтус
UDEN-200 теплий плінтус
By ordering a heater in Prague on our website, you will manage heating savings with a calm understanding. Your energy costs will be significantly reduced thanks to the efficient operation of our panels. And let you continue to feel that you are contributing to the preservation of the environment by choosing an environmentally friendly and safe way of heating.
Do not let your hesitations prevent you from opening up to a new level of warmth and comfort. If you still have doubts, we will offer you an easy way – order one heater for sampling. We are sure that you will feel the benefits of this innovative solution from the very first days. And if it turns out that this is not the case, do not worry – we are ready to refund the full cost of heaters within 14 days from the date of receipt of the parcel.
Enjoy the warmth, stay calm and see for yourself how efficient ceramic panel heating can be. Order now and start a new stage of your comfortable life!
Add the heater to the cart and place an order. Our manager will contact you, confirm availability and announce the full cost with delivery to the branch in Prague.
After your confirmation, we will send you an invoice to pay for your order. After receipt of funds, you will receive your parcel within 7 days.
Savings when using UDEN-S compared to traditional heating systems for a house of 100 m².
For this comparison, the full range of works on the development of the heating project, the purchase of equipment, installation work and the operation of the entire system is taken into account. It is also worth considering that each room has its own level of thermal insulation and the quality of windows and ceilings, so these data may differ slightly in each individual case.
Add an item to your cart and place an order right now. We will contact you by email, confirm availability and send you an invoice to pay for your order. After that, within 7 days you will receive your order at the branch of the transport company in Prague.

Design heaters paintings
Handmade paintings painted by our artists on heaters. Special heat-resistant paints are used that will not lose brightness with the weather. Such works of art will brightly emphasize your interior and will economically heat your home. You will be amazed by the quality of the work performed, and be sure to subsequently order such warm paintings as a gift to your family. It is also possible to order an individual drawing at your request!
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